July 2023 Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chief Joe Maddox, Association President.

Invocation lead my UCFD Chaplain Ben Slocumb

Pledge of Allegiance, led by Chief Joe Maddox

Executive Board members present, Joe Maddox, President, Chad Jones, Vice President, Al Wright, Treasurer.

Reports of Executive Board:

President Report: Chief Maddox welcomed all to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.

Vice President Report: Chief Jones reported on HB 1443 Food Truck Ordinance, they only need a permit in their home county that is good throughout the state. They must have a home-base location for prep work.

Treasurer Report: Chief Wright gave the financial report.

Secretary report: No report

Message from Vendors:


Applied Jackie Gibbs

1-800- BOARDUP

Message from Members: None

Old Business- Chief Maddox stressed the importance of getting attendance back up to pre-COVID levels and getting sections back up and functioning. Chaplain Slocumb's contact information was given to Dave Williams to post to serve as the contact person for this section.

New Business: Discussion to cancel the August meeting due to conflict with Joint Conference in Augusta. The motion was made by Chief Fullum and 2nd by Eddie Buckholts and approved membership.

Special Presentation- None

Section Committee Reports

Administrative/ Professional: No report

Chaplains: No report

Company Officers: no report

EMS: No report

Executive Officers: No report

Health and Safety: meet this morning during the Five Bugle meeting, and they talked about cooling towels being 40% effective for FF, cooling chairs, and using five-gallon buckets as cooling chairs. They also mentioned the use of fitness evaluations in the fire service.

Prevention: No report

Public Information: Dave Williams advises that the annual calendar is heading to production, and photos are needed; photos should be of working scenes and new apparatus and should be a sideways view if a smartphone is used.

Training: No report due to long meetings.

Association Reports:

Georgia Fire Academy- Ike McConnel reported the GFA (Georgia Fire Academy) has had an active year with 25,000 students, revamping the Fire Inspector course due to changes by NFPA. Also mentioned that the AFG criterion is being changed to make sure to read the criterion thoroughly due to the changes being made. And the Georgia Firefighter Memorial will be held on October 6 at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center.

Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training Council- No report

Georgia State Fire Marshal’s Office- Dustin Long reported there had been 65 Fire fatalities and 272 burn injuries to date.

Georgia Mutual Aid Group- elections will be held in Augusta at the Joint Conference; the time for the meeting will be 1 pm.

Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs- Chief Jones Southeastern Fire Chief’s conference and the GAFC Conference will be combined in 2024 and will be held in Cobb County from July 15th through 20th, Time Task Force breakfast will be August 16 0730- 0930. This is a ticketed event, and the City of South Fulton will be hosting a TIME Task Force Luncheon on August 31 at 11:30.

International Association of Fire Chiefs- No report

State Office of EMS- No report

Time Task Force- No report

Georgia Firefighters Pension Fund- Annual payouts have increased; Insurance premiums have increased by 120%. There will be a 1% increase effective July 2023.

Georgia Firefighter Burn Foundation- No report.

American Red Cross- No report

Metropolitan Fire Association- Dave Williams reported that the calendars are being worked on, and the annual stair climb is being held on September 9th in Buckhead Participants are needed from the Metro area.


A motion and a 2nd were made to adjourn, and the motion passed.

The next Meeting will be on September 27th at DeKalb Fire Headquarters.