About Us
Welcome to the Metro Atlanta Fire Chief’s Association website!
Meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month.
Time: 10am for five bugle meeting; 11am for General Session
See the calendar for location and more details.

Our Mission
To promote informed and progressive leadership in the Metro Atlanta area that results in control and reduces the impacts from fire, emergency medical, and natural or man- made disasters through legislation, prevention, professional development, standards, information, and education.
The Metro Atlanta Fire Chiefs Association began in May 1972 when late Chiefs J.G. Rosser of Hapeville Fire Department and W.J. Guice of the Clayton County Fire Department met to discuss the need of assistance between fire departments in the event of a major fire. Chief’s Rosser and Guice eventually met with then Chief Dudley Martin of the DeKalb County Fire Department to discuss a mutual aid program that eventually led to the organization of the Metro Atlanta Fire Chiefs Association (MAFCA). Years later, it was that same vision that led to the movement to create the Georgia Mutual Aid Group in 1994.
Since that time, MAFCA has had many leaders and seen many changes in the fire service. It the vision of MAFCA to evolve as a premier professional development fire service association. We have taken great steps to meet that goal with the revision of our By-Laws to include private EMS agencies as members, the creation of Sections to include all individuals from fire departments, and sponsoring meaningful training opportunities to fire service professionals. In fact, our logo is symbolic of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer pin awarded upon graduation of the EFO Program.
Our membership is continuously growing and consists of fire & EMS agencies, urban & suburban, career & combination, as well as numerous vendors and non-profits that support our mission. We are grateful for their participation and support of this Association.